Our Women’s Ministry is a firebrand group of women that have are dedicated to supporting each other, serving the community and excelling in Ministry. 

They have allocated themselves into separate groups namely House of Esther, House of Miriam, House of Naomi, House of Ruth and House of Deborah. These groups take turns to  lead services and to serve the homeless community with hot meals on Saturdays.

Among it’s goals this department includes: 

  • Equipping the women to become successful instruments for Christ in every sphere of influence: spiritually, socially, and economically
  • To provide mentorship and sisterhood for all women young and old.
  • Encourage regular attendance and participation of Ladies in church activities like Home Groups, Church Ministry Departments.
  • To develop a woman who gives sacrificially for the work of ministry.
  • To maintain and grow ladies’ financial reserves and resources.
  • Advertising and profiling of Women’s Ministry so that the congregants and newly converted ones can have information on the Women’s ministry.

Members of the Women’s Ministry at work